Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Alibaba Buyer Contact

 Assignment Part I
 Below are question for you to ask the prospective buyer that you have chosen on
Copy This Text To Send To Buyer:

I am a student at ____ High School in Dallas, Texas, America. I have a lesson in my Economics class to learn how to open my own export business. I saw your company's request to buy used ____ . I have chosen your company for my lesson. Can you please answer the questions below: Please give a thorough description of the items that you wish to buy, including any specific traits.

To Translate The Text:
  1. go to this page
  2. paste the text in to the left side of the translation box.
  3. Do not type in A. Maceo Smith in to the blank before High School, or it may translate strangely (you will type this in later).
  4. Do replace the blank with the product description.
  5. Note how carefully I chose the words to avoid any translation mistakes; I was also very careful not to misspell words.
  6. The left box's translation is set to English by default - leave it this way. Above the right hand box, choose the language that your buyer speaks; you may need to research the language for the buyer's country. If the buyer is from China, choose Chinese Simplified. If the buyer is from Taiwan, use Chinese traditional.
Contact The Buyer: Find the buyers post on Alibaba and click the "Contact Now" gold envelope icon. Paste the translated text into the email. Make sure to type in A. Maceo Smith in to the blank. Click the "Send" button.  
To Get Class Credit For This Activity:  
Still in Alibaba,
  1. Click My Alibaba
  2. Click on Message Center
  3. Click on the "Sent" folder
  4. Click on and open the email that you sent
  5. Make sure that the alibaba window is fairly small (not full screen)
  6. With your cursor on the alibaba page, on your keyboard hold down the key and click the button (on the top left side of your keyboard) - you will not see anything happen
  7. Open the Paint program (Start - All Programs - Accessories - MS Paint and paste
  8. Save the file to your desktop as your name and file type .jpg
  9. Log into blogspot
  10. Open a new post
  11. Click to insert a picture
  12. Browse to the .jpg file
  13. Title your post "First Inquiry To Buyer of _____ in _______ country."
Assignment Part II
Check your Alibaba inbox. Once you receive your buyer's response, you are to translate the questions below and send them to the buyer.
Questions to ask buyer in a follow up email

  1. What will you use this product for?
  2. How many of these items do you want to buy each time?
  3. How often do you want to purchase these items?
  4. How much are you willing to pay for these items? If you have a range of how much you pay, is the difference of low and high prices based on condition or something else?
  5. How do you require the items to be packaged? (boxes, wood crates, pallets)
  6. Do you require the items to be shipped by air or ocean?
  7. Do you require the goods be shipped with a specific freight company?
  8. Do your suppliers usually issue you a letter of credit? What terms do you expect on the letter of credit?
  9. Are there any import restrictions in your country for that item?
  10. Are there any import taxes on this item? If so, will you pay for these?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why does my "new post" or "edit post" page forever loading? As a result I can not post anything new in my blog! - ANSWER

Click Dashboard> Settings> at the very botom of the settings page, bullet "Old Editor"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Export of Used Goods Project

 Assignment Part I- Product Choice
Students: go to then click on "User Guide". Take 10 minutes to glance through this. This is the modern "Product Market". This is not a consumer market where you go to buy one or two small items like the grocery store or ebay. This is where manufacturers sell, and retailers (like Walmart or ebay stores) buy what they sell. This is also a place where entrepreneurs get started in business.

From the Alibaba home page click the link "Buying Links". Type the word "used" in the search box so that you can see what used items people around the world are willing to pay money for.

Choose one item that you think you might be able to find for free here in the US that you could sell to an overseas company that is looking for that good (buyers on this page are only there because they want to buy something). Students, pick one item, click on the link and write down all the information about what the buyer requires and their contact info.
Only choose an ad for a good (an item) that the buyer wants to buy that is available in the US; you might choose to sell an item that you have laying around your house like an old cell phone, you may have seen the item laying around (like old tires ), or you may have seen the item listed on craigslist or Choose an item that is neither ethically nor legally problematic (some chemical compounds that are asked for on Alibaba are illegal to mine in the US).
Turn in your product choice to me and we will discuss your choice.

 Assignment Part 2- Buyer Contact
 Below are question for you to ask the prospective buyer that you have chosen on
Copy This Text To Send To Buyer:
I am a student at ____ High School in Dallas, Texas, America. I have a lesson in my Economics class to learn how to open my own export business. I saw your company's request to buy used ____ . I have chosen your company for my lesson. Can you please answer the questions below: Please give a thorough description of the items that you wish to buy, including any specific traits.

To Translate The Text:
  1. go to this page
  2. paste the text in to the left side of the translation box.
  3. Do not type in A. Maceo Smith in to the blank before High School, or it may translate strangely (you will type this in later).
  4. Do replace the blank with the product description.
  5. Note how carefully I chose the words to avoid any translation mistakes; I was also very careful not to misspell words.
  6. The left box's translation is set to English by default - leave it this way. Above the right hand box, choose the language that your buyer speaks; you may need to research the language for the buyer's country. If the buyer is from China, choose Chinese Simplified. If the buyer is from Taiwan, use Chinese traditional.
Contact The Buyer: Find the buyers post on Alibaba and click the "Contact Now" gold envelope icon. Paste the translated text into the email. Make sure to type in A. Maceo Smith in to the blank. Click the "Send" button.  
To Get Class Credit For This Activity:  
Still in Alibaba,
  1. Click My Alibaba
  2. Click on Message Center
  3. Click on the "Sent" folder
  4. Click on and open the email that you sent
  5. Make sure that the alibaba window is fairly small (not full screen)
  6. With your cursor on the alibaba page, on your keyboard hold down the key and click the button (on the top left side of your keyboard) - you will not see anything happen
  7. Open the Paint program (Start - All Programs - Accessories - MS Paint and paste
  8. Save the file to your desktop as your name and file type .jpg
  9. Log into blogspot
  10. Open a new post
  11. Click to insert a picture
  12. Browse to the .jpg file
  13. Title your post "First Inquiry To Buyer of _____ in _______ country."
Assignment Part 3
Check your Alibaba inbox. Once you receive your buyer's response, you are to translate the questions below and send them to the buyer.
Questions to ask buyer in a follow up email
  1. What will you use this product for?
  2. How many of these items do you want to buy each time?
  3. How often do you want to purchase these items?
  4. How much are you willing to pay for these items? If you have a range of how much you pay, is the difference of low and high prices based on condition or something else?
  5. How do you require the items to be packaged? (boxes, wood crates, pallets)
  6. Do you require the items to be shipped by air or ocean?
  7. Do you require the goods be shipped with a specific freight company?
  8. Do your suppliers usually issue you a letter of credit? What terms do you expect on the letter of credit?
  9. Are there any import restrictions in your country for that item?
  10. Are there any import taxes on this item? If so, will you pay for these?

Assignment Part 4 - Determining Return on Investment (Can you make a profit on this venture?)

1) Explain how you know that it is available in the US.
2) What is the geographic location of the goods in the US? What shipping methods are available? What restrictions are there on transportation of such goods? What export documentation is required?
3) Considering transportation, storage and export documentation fees, the price of attaining the goods here in the US, the price at which you can sell these goods, taxes (federal, state and local) and foreign exchange rates will you be able to make a profit on the sale?
4) Compare the current supply of this good in the global market place. Who are your potential competitors?
5) To go into this venture, would it be better to enter into it as a sole proprietor, a partner or a corporation.
6) Financial arrangements that they (as the middleman) must make with both the supplier of the goods and the buyer of the goods. These will include Letters of Credit; FOB specifies which party (buyer or seller) pays for which shipment and loading costs, and/or where responsibility for the goods is transferred. This is important for determining liability for goods lost or damaged in transit from the seller to the buyer.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The difference between Democrats and Republicans view of Economics

American economics philosopher, Adam Smith, wrote that the most efficient economy is one in which the government has a laissez faire attitude toward business. This means that the government should involve itself as little as possible in the affairs of its commercial sector. However, the commercial sector's function is to meet the needs of the people, but it is motivated by greed and profits. A popularly elected government is mandated by the people to protect the people and must be vigilant to protect the people against unscrupulous businesses.

I the US, the Republican Party is strongly on the side of the government's laissez faire relation with business. The Democratic Party is more concerned with protecting the people from corporate greed. Which way the pendulum swings depends on who is in power. In November 2010, the Republicans campaigned on reducing the size of the government. Many Americans who are out of work and are in debt, rallied around the Republican call for reducing the size of government in order to reduce the size of US debt and helped the Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives. Democrats (who still hold the majority in the Senate) prefer to reduce the size of the Government by eliminating redundancies and streamlining processes; they are against cutting social programs that help the less fortunate and regulation of business in protection of the people.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Business Financier Rupert Burdock (AKA Jadarius Bradley) on the state of the US Economy

How to keep up with your partner's and your classmates posts

The most efficient way to keep up with all of your Australian partner's & your classmates posts is to: 1) I got to each of their pages (while signed in) and click their follow button; 2)back in my blog at the top right of the page, I click Design then I click Dashbord. Near the bottom of your Dashboard is your Reading List where you can see the posts of everyone that you are following.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bell Ringer Question: Define - Economic system

Today we begin chapter 2. Define Economic System.

Bell Ringer Question: Multinational's use of GDP

What do you think the answer is to this question of how a multinational company uses the economic measurement of GDP to help it choose between two countries to build a new manufacturing plant in.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wants, Needs and Scarce Resources

Part 1 Different ways that businesses and governments work together to meet people's wants and needs

Part 2 - Why do Republicans call President Obama a Communist?