Friday, March 11, 2011

The difference between Democrats and Republicans view of Economics

American economics philosopher, Adam Smith, wrote that the most efficient economy is one in which the government has a laissez faire attitude toward business. This means that the government should involve itself as little as possible in the affairs of its commercial sector. However, the commercial sector's function is to meet the needs of the people, but it is motivated by greed and profits. A popularly elected government is mandated by the people to protect the people and must be vigilant to protect the people against unscrupulous businesses.

I the US, the Republican Party is strongly on the side of the government's laissez faire relation with business. The Democratic Party is more concerned with protecting the people from corporate greed. Which way the pendulum swings depends on who is in power. In November 2010, the Republicans campaigned on reducing the size of the government. Many Americans who are out of work and are in debt, rallied around the Republican call for reducing the size of government in order to reduce the size of US debt and helped the Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives. Democrats (who still hold the majority in the Senate) prefer to reduce the size of the Government by eliminating redundancies and streamlining processes; they are against cutting social programs that help the less fortunate and regulation of business in protection of the people.

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