Friday, May 6, 2011

Video from Video Conference with UT Law Student Rachel Stone Regarding Students wanting to open concession stands in the new Trinity Wave Park

Heather K. Way, Director, Community Development Clinic, University of Texas School of Law asked her student Rachel Stone to research and present her findings to my students on the possibility of my graduating seniors to open concession stands in the new Trinity River Wave Park. We were not able to meet with Ms. Stone until during her final exam week, so we are very thankful for her diligence and thoroughness in researching the many City of Dallas rules and regulations involved with such an operation. Ms. Stone clarified that the current laws do not allow the setting up of tents and tables in the Trinity Wave Park. She gives us, however, the name of an attorney that very much like to assist us in this endeavor. Professor Way has also promised that she wants very much for her students from the Community Development Clinic work with my classes on our various South Dallas initiatives once the new school year comes around.

Click here to see the Powerpoint that goes with the video.

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